13 May 2011

Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico (a great fuel stop!)

Truth: The Little Red Rider (aka my 2001 Chevy Cavalier) can make it 1,500 miles in two days.
Consequence: A dirty Little Red Rider and a little less money in the bank!

Truth: There really are tumbleweeds rolling across the road in the southwest.
Consequence: They end up plastered into the front grill of your car.

Truth: It was cold in Albuquerque Wednesday…like really cold.
Consequence: The planned wardrobe of shorts and tank tops didn’t work out so well.

Truth: Bachelors do not know the concept of a stocked pantry, refrigerator, or kitchen. :)
Consequence: Women come in and creatively solve the problem.

Truth: Old Ironside can grill.
Consequence: We’re spoiled

Truth: Arizona is beautiful in its own way.
Consequence: I think it may be difficult to leave this place. :)

A & K & T


  1. You all are so clever with your postings!!!!I look forward to them every day. Sounds like you all are having a very good time.

  2. Great post!!!! I agree with Eva!! Love you!!
