26 May 2011

On The Road Again

         This will be my last post until Tuesday morning. So, I’m going to make it short and sweet! Old Ironsides and I will be heading out to Colorado bright and early tomorrow morning. It’s an eleven-hour car ride, but we thought, “Might as well explore while we’ve got the chance.” We have decided to venture to Mesa Verde National Park, home of the cliff dwellings of the Puebloans. Check out the website! We’re going to be camping in the park (Don’t worry folks, these kids have separate tents!), and making the most of our outdoor adventure. Hopefully we don’t get eaten by lions and tigers and bears…oh my!...or the occasional Gila monster. :) 

Stay tuned. There will definitely be pictures and adventure (or misadventure) stories to follow!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
K & T

Joplin update: Dad was able to deliver the Mule to the folks at Immanuel Lutheran Church. They were very grateful, and are now able to transport necessities quicker and more efficiently. Keep them in your prayers as they continue to recover after the tornado.

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