10 May 2011

Last Chance Wendy's

And so it begins…
            Today we drove exactly 722 miles in eleven hours. I’m not sure if this was good timing or not, but we were definitely ready to be in Amarillo! The trip started off this morning at 0530 when Stripes, the twenty-pound cat, noisily reminded us that it was time for breakfast. After some last minute packing and a quick bite to eat, we said our final goodbyes and hit the road. Four hours later, we were stopping for gas in Joplin and noticed a road sign for Wendy’s. $1.00 Frosties were just too good to pass up. And besides, who knows if Wendy’s even exists in the southwest?! (Turns out there are plenty.) Regardless, we enjoyed our frosties with the added M&M’s (thank you Charrette family!). 
Don't worry all of you healthy peeps out there.  We made up for our "sweet tooth" tonight with some good stretching and exercise. 

Until next time
K & A
PS Tomorrow the current nine o’clock will turn to seven… our poor bodies.

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