23 May 2011

Here's a Proposal!

           This will be unlike any other post on due southwest. 'Why,' you ask? Well, this post has nothing at all to do with the southwest, the desert, Old Ironsides, or myself! Nope, the contents of this post contain a different kind of special!
            Bright and early Saturday morning, Old Ironsides and I said our goodbyes at the Tucson airport. From there, I was on my way back home to good ol’ Missouri. Yep, folks, you guessed it…homesickness got a hold of me. I just can’t seem to make it another ten weeks! No, no, no…nothing like that. Quite the contrary, I was in town to share in the most monumental of surprises my best friend had ever experienced.
            On Sunday, Anna’s longtime beau, Peter, asked her to become his one and only. And, you know what?! She said…YES!
           So, I dedicate today’s post to best friends and new additions to our circle. I am so blessed to have seen how God has worked in your lives and brought you two together. It will be such a joy to watch as He continues to shape you both into the individuals and couple He has authored you to be.

            Stay honest, respect each other, communicate always, and pray together with a steadfast heart you two!


PS Always give each other the benefit of the doubt! ;)

More from Arizona tomorrow!

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