18 May 2011

Truck v. Carr Canyon

           Let me first apologize! It has been far too long since I’ve taken the time to write a real post. As you probably have guessed, I am now fully moved in, and Old Ironsides and I are beginning our summer in the beautiful, sunny, gorgeous, and mountainous Sierra Vista. Speaking of mountains…Peter joined us this weekend for some small adventures before his and Anna's 23-hour car ride back to Missouri.
            After a refreshing church service on Sunday morning, we headed out to Carr Canyon. We didn’t really know where we were going, what path would take us to the infamous waterfall (which we never saw!), or how long we would be on the trail. But, that was okay with us. We had good company and beautiful views to make the time pass. 
         We started at the bottom of the mountain on nicely paved roads.  
  Gradually...no, suddenly...the pavement disappeared and we were making our way up the mountain on a bumpy, sandy, narrowing one-way road. Let the adventure begin!

We parked the truck in an alcove and decided to start the trek up. Anna and I decided to let the boys go first...

Then, we climbed.
And climbed…

Until we reached an amazing view…

Needless to say, we stayed awhile.

Good Times, Good Company
K & T & A & P

PS If you want to see a video of some of the other fun things we did on our adventure, click on the tab Motion Pictures located at the top of this page.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful outdoor adventure for the four of you!! The pictures are beautiful and I will check out the movie soon. Take good care, continued fun and God bless!!!
    Love you
