31 July 2011

Journeying Back to Good Ole' Missouri

Sarah here. After a farewell to Old Ironsides, K and I have successfully braved the wilderness into the fine state of New Mexico. So far the journey has been a bit on the cramped side, but successful at that. The kitties are fairing well. Although they were a bit uneasy, they have settled into their new cramped humble abode for the next 24 hours. We are looking forward to a rendezvous at our cousin Gwen's in Albuquerque, where then from there we will continue the journey hopefully into the great state of Texas. (this all depends upon whether or not I as the night driver can survive that long) Updates are soon to follow regarding the trip! Pray for safe travels!

25 July 2011


First off, sorry! It's been almost a month since my last post; however, I'm sure you are all managing quite well and have far too many things to keep you busy in the sweltering Midwest heat wave! The past three weeks have been full of many adventures with friends, family, and each other. Here are some quick updates!

Both families came back to Sierra Vista after our tour through the Grand Canyon area. We had a pleasant and relaxing time touring Tombstone, grilling, and just spending time together.

The last three weekends have been packed for us. We spent one weekend hanging around the local joints and catching three, count em', THREE Cardinal's games. (They were playing the local team, Arizona Diamondbacks, which meant we got the rare pleasure of watching our home team.)

The next weekend we headed to Tucson to visit some of the "must sees" before we both leave. We toured the Sonora Desert Museum where we learned that it takes a cactus almost 100 years to grow an arm! My favorite part was the Cat Canyon and their Ocelot (look it up!). As we were driving out to the Desert Museum, we happened upon Old Tucson Studios. It has been the filming location for over 300 Western films and television shows. Stars like, John Wayne, James Stewart, Dean Martin, Clint Eastwood, and many more have graced this section of the Arizona desert and we just happened to stumble upon one of the best parts of Tucson! Pictures are on facebook!

This past weekend has been one of the best! In my google searches, I found a married couple who specialize in wedding, engagement, and family photography. We set up a date and time and made the day out of it. Old Ironsides and I enjoyed bumming around Phoenix until early evening. From there, we drove about 30 minutes outside of Phoenix to a casino (I never thought I'd change and gussy up in a casino bathroom. There's always a first!) where we were meeting the photographers. Then, it was off to the location--a dilapidated building and shed surrounded by a wheat field. It was beautiful! The sun was setting, a storm was brewing, and it was just perfect. The shoot went well, amidst running into a snake of the poisonous variety. But, no one was hurt and we made it out of there right before the rain. Can't wait to post the pictures for all of you!

Now it's July 25 and I'm getting ready to leave Sierra Vista and Old Ironsides. It's bitter sweet, leaning more to the bitter side, but I know it will be good to return to Missouri and the friends and family waiting there.

I still have so much to do here!

Talk soon!
K & T

Check out the Moving Pictures section for a kitty video that's sure to make you laugh!

PS My pepper and tomato plants have been restored to their health and beauty. Check out these pics! My first cherry tomato--picked...yet to be eaten!

07 July 2011

Top Ten Things To Do at The Grand Canyon

Completed    Yet to Complete
       X                                    # 10 Get there
       X                                    # 9 Marvel at the beauty of a big whole in the ground
       X                                    # 8 Watch annual 4th of July parade
       X                                    # 7 Camp at the Ten X Campground in Tusayan
       X                                    # 6 Soak up the afternoon rain
       X (x2)                            # 5 Mark your territory along the way :)
                                X           # 4 Ride the Grand Canyon Express
                                X           # 3 Raft for five days then hike all the way back up
                                X           # 2 Ride a mule to the bottom, camp, and ride back
       X :)        # 1 Lug the whole family down to Arizona & get engaged!!! 

God is Good, Life is Good,
K & T